The Goodfriend Group

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An American Company Stands Up for National Security

An American consumer electronics manufacturer faced unfair competition and network security issues from a foreign-owned company. Realizing they needed a creative solution that also protected their confidentiality, for fear of retribution, they came to us. 

This foreign competitor appeared to have deliberately compromised network security in order to undercut our client on price in the US market in an attempt to gain market share, especially because our client spent significant capital on its network security features. Our client asked us to raise awareness of the national security threat, especially as the competitor tried to make in-roads in private sector sales. Partnering with a national security consultant, we analyzed the competitor's devices and started working with Members of Congress to investigate the company. 

We succeeded.  A Democratic U.S. Senator on the relevant oversight committee and a group of House Republicans sent two separate letters to the Administration calling for an investigation into the company. We also focused on the relevant federal agencies, including CISA, the Pentagon, and the FCC, where our presentations were taken seriously and led to agency investigations.  

Additionally, the trade press picked up on the congressional and government agency actions, raising the profile of our issue.  All of this helped our client educate current and potential customers about the network security threats posed by the other company, and has prompted an ongoing investigation into the foreign-owned company.